By Vanessa Carbajal, Plastic Free Cities Student Mentor
I’m going to be talking about my experience in Plastic Free Cities and a little bit about the program.
Plastic Free Cities Doral students ready to go meet with local business owners!
My experience during this program was enjoyable because I got the chance to participate in a new environment and because I learned the importance of the reduction of our own plastic consumption, including how small actions can produce change for the better. During our trainings we learn about topics such as plastic pollution, solutions to marine debris, and ways to reduce the use of plastic.
Students learning about the role of government in reducing plastics during one of their weekly training sessions.
Throughout our canvassing sessions we visited some businesses and asked them questions about their use of plastic and provided recommendations for sustainable alternatives they could utilize. We also encouraged businesses to sign up for Plastic Free 305.
Students providing free sustainable sample products to a local business owner after consulting - these compostable products can replace single-use plastics!
At the same time we hosted community events where we helped to plan and host sustainability events, such as Trash Basel where we created art through trash. While there, we talked to people about awareness surrounding the use of plastic.
Students and their friends and families created art from recovered marine debris during “Trash Basel” - a plastic free event hosted by the students at one of the businesses they enrolled in Plastic Free 305, The Doral Yard. Photo Credit: Ryan Troy
At the end, it was nice to receive recognition from the government of Doral because it is a virtue to know that the City of Doral recognized our dedication and the work we put in throughout the program.
Overall, Plastic Free Cities is a great opportunity to open up to new experiences, to get involved with the environment, and to help others to reduce their use of plastic.
Students creating art and engaging their community together during Trash Basel. Photo Credit: Ryan Troy
Vanessa’s experience in Plastic Free Cities inspired her to continue working towards plastic free solutions in our community - by becoming a Plastic Free Cities Student Mentor! Her leadership and dedication to take positive action will empower other students and community members to get involved. Way to go, Vanessa!
Overall, the Doral cohort of Plastic Free Cities students visited and engaged with 27 businesses acting as Junior Sustainability Consultants, and enrolled 6 businesses in Plastic Free 305 - a county-wide program that celebrates businesses who have eliminated 1 or more single-use plastic items. In Doral, this represents an estimated 500,000+ single-use plastic items diverted annually. The impact demonstrated by the students led the Doral City Council to pass a resolution put forth by Councilwoman Porras in support of Plastic Free 305, and a pledge to go 100% plastic free on Doral municipal property!
We’re so excited to see the positive impact these youth leaders will continue to have in their community and beyond! Interested in bringing Plastic Free Cities to your community? Visit our Plastic Free Cities page and submit your email address to receive our Plastic Free Cities Student Training Manual (available in English and Spanish).
Plastic Free Cities is a collaborative youth engagement program by Big Blue & You, Debris Free Oceans and Ocean Conservancy, funded by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.
About Vanessa: Vanessa is an 11th grade student in Doral, Florida who participated in Plastic Free Cities in the Fall 2023 semester. She is passionate about wildlife and interested in pursuing a career working with marine animals in the future.