Our Communications Intern & 2019 Sea Youth Rise Up Delegate here at Big Blue & You, Apurva Iyengar, recently had the opportunity to host a session at the IUCN “One Nature, One Future” Global Youth Summit.
Her session, called “The Anatomy of an Activist” was created in collaboration with Laura Johnson (Sea Youth Rise Up Class of 2016) and Madison Di Bari (Big Blue & You Youth Executive Intern), and focused on how young people can get involved in ocean activism on any scale.
“The Anatomy of an Activist” took place over a 2-day period from April 12-13 during the 2 week Summit, and the Big Blue Team was joined by young people and their adult supporters from locales ranging from Mexico to Kuwait.
From top left: Madison Di Bari, Apurva Iyengar. From bottom left: Laura Johnson, GYS Tech Volunteer
The session’s title is a metaphor for the different ways that an activist can take action, beginning with action on an individual scale (the Heart), such as educating oneself and finding activist peers, moving to the community scale (the Hands) and focusing on reaching new people and finding a tribe, and finally reaching the global scale (the Feet), with the goal of creating global change and connectivity, with or without travel!
Participants engaged in lively discussion around how activism varies by region and culture, as well as how youth can take action in ways that best suit their talents and interests, including artivism! Apurva, Laura & Madison left attendees with a final call to action that encouraged them to start small, at the individual level, and work their way up to making global change for our blue planet.
Learn more at https://www.iucncongress2020.org/programme/global-youth-summit