Want to know how we are able to have educational events that inspire and educate our youth on ocean conservation? It’s because of the great team of ocean scientists and ocean conservation organizations that we team up with. Learn more about our Big Blue Ocean Sciences team below!
Liz Dutra
Liz Dutra is a marine biologist whose work has focused primarily on south Florida and Caribbean ecosystem management and conservation. She received her M.S. degree from Florida Atlantic University in 2015. Most recently she was a part of NOAA’s ACCRETE team (Acidification, Climate and Coral Reef Ecosystem Team) where she was the data manager for the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. Her expertise is in ocean acidification and climate change effects on coral reef ecosystems.
Liz is an educator and ocean activist advocating for a cleaner, plastic-free ocean. She has mentored hundreds of south Florida youth on how to become a champion of the ocean. For the past 5 years Liz has been the Blue & You’s Marine Science Director. Over the years she has fostered successful relationships with several Universities, nonprofits and conservancies to bring a plethora of like minded ocean educators to BB&Y’s signature event ART BY THE SEA. In Liz’s free time you can catch her scuba diving, surfing, fishing or paddle boarding on South Florida’s local beaches.
Coral Restoration Foundation
Coral Restoration Foundation™ (CRF) is the world's largest 501(c)(3) non-profit marine-conservation organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state, in Florida and globally. Our methods of growing corals in the ocean in large Coral Tree Nurseries™ now widely considered to be the most effective, efficient, and scalable for growing large quantities of coral. We host the world's largest in-situ genetic bank of coral, which includes a number of genotypes that are no longer found in the wild. Our core mission is to restore coral reefs, to educate others on the importance of our oceans, and to use science to further coral research and coral reef monitoring techniques.
Debris Free Oceans
Debris Free Oceans is a Miami-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring local communities to responsibly manage the lifecycle of plastics and waste through education, outreach, research and policy initiatives. Since its inception in 2015, Debris Free Oceans has removed over 38,000lbs of marine debris from our South Florida reefs and beaches with over 5,500 volunteers. Debris Free Oceans has educated over 8,000 students about how to live a zero-waste lifestyle. Hosting over 200 events, Debris Free Oceans has engaged over 9,800 people in interactive zero-waste events designed to promote positive behavior change, including Debris Free Ocean’s annual eco-fashion show and regularly hosted Keg + Klean and Pub Crawl Pickup events. Founded by attorneys, entrepreneurs, and scientists, Debris Free Oceans has the unique capacity to provide comprehensive sustainability consulting services to local businesses, and the group has eliminated millions of single-use plastics from the waste stream by working with leading establishments, including The Rusty Pelican, The Wynwood Yard, Whiskey Joes, Under the Mango Tree, and Treehouse Miami.